Dark House Press
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
WE ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED TO ALL SUBMISSIONS IN ORDER TO GET CAUGHT UP. 500 SUBMISSIONS IN 30 DAYS! WE HOPE TO REOPEN AGAIN IN EARLY 2014. IF YOU ARE: (1.) AN AGENT, (2.) HAVE PUBLISHED A NOVEL, COLLECTION, OR STORY WITH US BEFORE, OR (3.) HAVE BEEN DIRECTED TO SEND US YOUR WRITING, PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO RICHARD@THEDARKHOUSEPRESS.COM. ALL GENERAL QUERIES SHOULD GO TO INFO@THEDARKHOUSEPRESS.COM. THANK YOU. We are looking for neo-noir, fantasy, science fiction, horror, literary, magical realism, transgressive, crime, surrealism, and the grotesque. Everything we like has an elevated perspective, a literary voice, so whatever the genre, avoid the expected, the formulaic, the same old stories and voices. We want novels (60k minimum) and short story collections (40k minimum)—memoir and poetry will be a very hard sale but we’re not saying 100% no yet—the same for YA/NA, humor and bizarro.